Sunday, January 23, 2011

ADHD & Humor: Some ADHD-themed comics

Click here to see a few comics shared by one of our FOCUS+ group members that remind us that it's okay to laugh at ourselves once in a while....

Yes, I know the comic artist in the picture above doesn't look like he's laughing, but at least I managed to manipulate the clip art image enough that he's wearing the ever-popular (and very funny) , AC/DC inspired, AD/HD t-shirt, so you know he has a sense of humor. Still not convinced? You're going to just have to trust me on this one, faithful blog reader...he's laughing on the inside, just hyperfocused on his work at this particular moment.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Exercise & ADHD Pre-Read Material (if you're into the whole pre-read thing)

(If you're into the whole pre-read thing)

Common sense tells us all that exercise is good for us...and it is.

But for people with ADHD, exercise offers some additional benefits that can directly improve how "symptomatic" we are. Plus, if you have to have ADHD, wouldn't it be more fun to have it inside of a strong, toned, lean beach body instead? I digress.

The following links are to a half-dozen good (and short) articles outlining the case for making exercise a key element of your ADHD management strategy.

Exercise and ADHD Symptoms (John J. Ratey, MD)

Exercise: An Alternative ADHD Treatment Without Side Effects


Battling the Blues with Exercise

Get Moving!

Exercise & ADHD: Stop Stopping and Start Starting!

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2010 meeting summary

We had a small turnout for tonight's meeting, largely due to the winter weather, but we were joined by three first-time participants (welcome, everyone!) and one second-time, came-once-a-long-time-ago participant (welcome again). Notably absent for literally only the second time in five years of FOCUS+ meetings was our usual group leader, Ruth Evenhouse. We missed you, Ruth!

In addition to passing out the following items, we introduced ourselves to the newcomers and got to know them as well.

As our first-timers shared their stories, we identified several resources that have been listed in past blog entries, including

Again, our next meeting is on Tuesday, February 11, 6:30 p.m., with guest presenter Claudia Brink discussing Exercise and ADHD. See you there!

Information Regarding the Tues, Feb. 11 FOCUS+ meeting

At our February 11 meeting, we'll be joined by Claudia Brink, a personal trainer and exercise enthusiast, who will be discussing all of the ways that exercise can help to better manage ADHD symptoms. Wear something you can move comfortably in -- this will be an active meeting!

In preparation for Claudia's visit, FOCUS+ members are encouraged to complete a quick confidential survey regarding exercise that will be handed out at the January and February meetings and can also be downloaded here.

Also of interest to many FOCUS+ members and followers of this blog is a new handout regarding how to better assess whether you or a loved one is dealing with ADHD, Depression or both. Contrary to appearances (depression = low energy, ADHD = high energy), very often people are misdiagnosed (depression creates problems with sustaining attention, distractability, etc.) or under-diagnosed (ADHD masking depression or visa-versa). You can download the handout here.

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