Why the change? Because it's not a hyphen, it's a dash. A dash that represents the added dash of style we've given to the web site! Okay, I just totally made that up. We had to change the name because the original URL expired and was prohibitively expensive to restart. Either way, you can once again visit our official web site, but now at http://www.focus-plus.org/.
(Want to add your comment but not 100% sure how to do so? It's easy. Click here for a super-quick tutorial!)
Hey...why no comments? I was ready to read some.
ReplyDeleteActually, I've always assumed that there are usually no comments because my blog entries are so clear, concise and yet comprehensive that readers are left with no unanswered questions or need for clarification. Also, they're so eloquently written that readers finish an entry and think "There's no way I can possibly improve on that. He's expressed the thought so beautifully that to add my own comments would only serve to detract from it, and I couldn't live with myself if I tampered with such perfection."
ReplyDeleteSome people might take my assumptions as either a futile attempt to rationalize the lack of replys or (more likely) a clear sign that my ego is waaay out of control.
They'd be wrong, though. It's just my curse to be such a flippin' awesome blogger. Sigh.