Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Step Two: Learn.

In order to help encourage more online discussion about the four basic steps for managing ADHD that we discussed at our 8/10/10 meeting, I'm creating separate blog entries for each of them, focusing on each specific topic and elaborating a little bit. Hopefully this is helpful for the group.

As I shared in the last entry, About a year ago we added a "New to ADHD? Start Here." page where first-timers could start to explore how to more effectively manage ADHD.

The second step I listed was "Learn." There is no shortage of information available online, at libraries and through groups like FOCUS+ to help people educate themselves on the range of options available for managing ADHD. That knowledge empowers people to take greater control over the situation.

Learning about ADHD isn't a one-time-thing, however. ADHD is a moving target; as we age and move through different phases of our lives, it impacts us differently and we have different internal and external resources available to us to deal with it. Also, there are constant advances in the types of medications available as well as counseling techniques.

My question to you is: Once you've scoured the internet and flipped through every ADHD-related book you can find at the local library or Barnes & Noble, what have you found to be useful in continuing to uncover new information? Similarly, what are some "dead ends" you've encountered that you might steer others away from?

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