Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our Web Site Name has changed! We're now!

Effective today, 12/18/2010, the URL for FOCUS+ is now (note the additional hyphen between focus and plus).

Why the change? Because it's not a hyphen, it's a dash. A dash that represents the added dash of style we've given to the web site! Okay, I just totally made that up. We had to change the name because the original URL expired and was prohibitively expensive to restart. Either way, you can once again visit our official web site, but now at

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14, 2010 Meeting Notes

Ed Keeter presented a summary of a presentation he'd attended in October, "Very Best Treatment for ADHD and the Processing Disorders" by David Nowell, Ph.D. You can find out about Dr. Nowell at his web site,

You can view the slide show from Ed's presentation and download the helpful checklists and related forms that he shared at the meeting here:

We also discussed how most of the major pharmaceutical manufacturers offer free or deeply discounted rates on their prescription medications for people without health insurance and/or with limited incomes. Three sites to check out regarding this include:

Astra Zeneca:


Forest Pharmaceuticals:

Next month: Exercise & ADHD -- don't miss it!

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