Friday, February 19, 2010

March 9 Presenter: Rick Diamond, Michigan Rehabilitation Services (Holland Office)

Do any of these questions relate to you or your family?

  • As a K-12 student with ADHD, is there anything special I should be considering as I plan for continuing my education or entering the workforce after graduation?

  • Are there any resources available to help me with that transition?

  • How can I identify the best career options for me, considering my interests and abilities, the current and future job markets, and - of course - the impact that ADHD has on me?

  • Does ADHD qualify as a "disability" under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

  • What types of reasonable accommodations have employers and employees used in the past to effectively address the impact of ADHD on a person's job performance?

  • How can I most effectively discuss my ADHD with my current employer, or a prospective employer?

  • What the heck is Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)?

  • What the heck is the Disability Network of the Lakeshore (DNL)?
Rick Diamond from Disability Network of the Lakeshore and the MRS Holland office will be on hand at our March 9 meeting to address these questions and more with our group.

Do you have a specific question that would be appropriate for Rick? Post it here and we'll make sure he has the chance to review it prior to our meeting.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, Feb 9, 2010 Meeting

Our regularly monthly meeting for Tuesday, February 9, was cancelled due to weather, but fear not! We've still got several interesting & useful handouts to share with you *and* we'd still love to hear your questions, comments and experiences regarding this month's planned topics.
February's discussion topic: How to Ask for Help! (It's easier to do than it sounds)

Additionally, Ruth shared handouts related to disability rights as they relate to ADHD, filing insurance claims related to ADHD and tax filing; click on any of those hyperlinks to pull up the related documents.

We'd also planned on sharing information and tips on how to start, and stick with, a regular exercise routine. While we all know how important exercise is to our physical health, most people greatly underestimate how important it is to our mental health and our brain's ability to function efficiently as well. You'll be amazed at the positive impact that regular exercise, even if it's only at a moderate level, can have on your ability to manage your ADHD symptoms. Stand by for more information on this topic at our March meeting instead.
Do you know how to ask for help when you need it? If so, what has been an effective approach to asking for help for you?

What has your experience been with submitting claims to your insurance company related to your treatment and management of ADHD and related concerns?
Have you noticed a difference in your attitude or mental functioning between times that you're exercising regularly and times that you aren't able to do so? What impact have you observed that diet has on you, cognitively speaking?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Check this Resource Out:

The following announcements of current and upcoming events was recently published by (not affiliated with FOCUS+), in case any of them catch your interest:

You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!

During the months of February and March the ADD Book Club is discussing the book You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy? Click here to sign up now...

Free Teleseminars

Adult ADD / ADHD Strategy Hour

  • Instructor: Tara McGillicuddy
  • Date: Tuesday, Feb 2, 2010
  • Time: 9:00 p.m. EST (New York Time)

Supporting Your ADD / ADHD Child's Success

  • Instructor: Ronda Stone
  • Date: Tuesday, Feb 23, 2010
  • Time: 9:00 p.m. EST (New York Time)
  • Space is limited

Sign up now...

Free Audio Class

ADHD & Exercise (Instructor: John Ratey, M.D.)

Sign up now...

Morning DeClutter Action Group

Do you have clutter to clean up in your house or office and you just can't seem to get to it?

Our 3 week DeClutter Action Groiup will help you Attack Your Clutter!

  • Instructor: Becca Colao
  • Dates: Feb 9, 16 & 22
  • Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST (New York Time)

Sign up by 2/5/10 and save $100. Space is limited!

Sign up now...

Parenting Strategy Sessions

Evening Strategy Session

  • Instructor: Ronda Stone
  • Date: Weds, Feb 10, 2010
  • Time: 9:00 p.m. EST (New York Time)
Morning Strategy Session
  • Instructor: Linda Hillger
  • Date: Tues, Feb 16, 2010
  • Time: 10:00 a.m. EST (New York Time)

Affordable Coaching Options

Part of the mission at is to provide quality, affordable coaching options. If you have been thinking about working with an ADHD Coach but can't afford the cost of traditional one-on-one coaching, they have affordable options available through

ADD Coaching Club ( - provides 4 weekly group telephone sessions.

ADD Action Club ( - is text-based and great for visual people who don't do well on the telephone or listening to audio recordings.

ADD Book Club ( - a virtual book club for adults with AD/HD

Have you had any experience with programs through If so, what was your opinion, good or bad?